Original 2017-07-26 [Google Adwords西安体验中心]

Google基本的搜索指令,这些指令的使用对外贸从业人员,有效寻找资源是非常的有帮助的。 允许我再次强调一遍,互联网上你所能遇到的问题,绝大多数都可以通过搜索引擎给出答案,所以善于利用搜索引擎,这是每个人都应该必备的技能。今天我们的话题依然是在这个领域,就是如何通过搜索引擎,找到必要的行业资源,相信这篇文章,关于这些资源的清单集合会对大家非常的有帮助。




Keyword + “top 10 resources”/”top resources”
Keyword + “top 10 sites/”top sites”
Keyword + “top 10 websites”/”top websites”
Keyword + “top 10 articles”/ “top articles”
Keyword + “top 10 tools”/”top tools”
Keyword + “top 10 web resources”/”top web resources”
Keyword + “top 10 internet resources”/”top internet resources”
Keyword + “top 10 online resources”/”top online resources”

Keyword + “recommended resources”/”suggested resources”
Keyword + “useful resources”/”interesting resources”
Keyword + “favorite resources”
Keyword + “recommended sites”/”suggested sites”
Keyword + “useful sites”/”interesting sites”
Keyword + “favorite sites”
Keyword + “recommended websites”/”suggested websites”
Keyword + “useful websites”/”interesting websites”
Keyword + “favorite websites”

Keyword + “recommended articles”/”suggested articles”
Keyword + “useful articles”/”interesting articles”
Keyword + “favorite articles”

Keyword + “recommended tools”/”suggested tools”
Keyword + “useful tools”/”interesting tools”
Keyword + “favorite tools”

Keyword + “recommended links”/”suggested links”
Keyword + “useful links”/”interesting links”
Keyword + “favorite links”

Keyword + “intitle:resources”
Keyword + “round up”
Keyword + intitle:”round up”
Keyword + “round up” + intitle:weekly/daily/monthly
Keyword + intitle:list
Keyword + “guide”

“list of + Keyword + sites”

Keyword + “news”/”industry news”
Keyword + “magazine”/”industry magazine”
Keyword + “journal”/”industry journal”

Keyword + “whitepapers”
Keyword + “videos”
Keyword + “podcasts”
Keyword + “research”
Keyword + site:.edu
Keyword + site:.info
Keyword + filetype:doc/docx/xls/ppt/pdf


Keyword +  inurl:links/resources

举例:Keyword + “top 10 resources” 通过这个语句,就可以找到某个关键字底下的 top 10 的资源。如下图所示: 外贸企业如何在谷歌上寻找行业资源1


提交的目的是什么?其实网站的提交这相当于是做外链。高质量,以及一定数量的外链会对你的网站权重的提升很有帮助。当然这一点是从SEO的角度出发考虑的。 又或者我们知道一些网站也是要有内容的补充,那么在这样的网站,会有一个内容入口的提交。如果你有某个领域比较好的内容,你可以尝试进链接的提交。

Keyword + “add a site”/”submit site”/”suggest site”/”post site”/”recommend site”
Keyword + “add URL”/”submit URL”/”suggest URL”/”post URL”/”recommend URL”
Keyword + “add listing”/”submit listing”/”suggest listing”/”post listing”/”recommend listing”

Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend article
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend video
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend podcast
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend whitepaper
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend webinars
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend event
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list  job
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list contest
Keyword + add/submit/post/list coupons

Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend article
Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend video
Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend podcast
Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend whitepaper
Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend webinars
Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend event
Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list job
Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list contest
Keyword + intitle:add/submit/post/list coupons

Keyword +”add your business”/”list your business”

Keyword + directory
Keyword + directory + add/submit/suggest/post
Keyword + intitle:”directory”
Keyword+ inurl:”directory”
Keyword + Listings

IndustryKeyword + “sign up”/join/register/”create an account”

keyword + coupons + intitle:list
keyword + coupons + intitle:submit/add
keyword + deals + intitle:submit/add
“deals for” + “keyword ” + intitle:submit/add
“coupons for” + “Keyword 
” + intitle:submit/add

keyword + sweeps* +  intitle:submit
keyword + giveaways  + intitle:submit

举例:Keyword + ”submit site” 如下图:





In US (www.google.com)
Keyword + site:.org
In UK (www.google.co.uk)
Keyword + site:.org
Keyword + site:.org.uk
In India (www.google.co.in)
Keyword + site:.org
Keyword + site:.org.in
In Canada (www.google.ca)
Keyword + site:.org
In Australia (www.google.com.au)
Keyword + site:.org
Keyword + site:.org.au




industryName + intitle:tools
industryName + intitle:badges
industryName + intitle:widgets
industryName + intitle:infographics

industryName + inurl:tools
industryName + inurl:badges
industryName + inurl:widgets
industryName + inurl:infographics

industryName + top/recommended/useful/favorite/amazing/awesome tools
industryName + top/recommended/useful/favorite/amazing/awesome badges
industryName + top/recommended/useful/favorite/amazing/awesome widgets
industryName + top/recommended/useful/favorite/amazing/awesome infographics





ProductName + review + site:wordpress.com
ProductName + ratings + site:wordpress.com
ProductName + comparison + site:wordpress.com
ProductName + price comparison + site:wordpress.com
ProductName + compare + intext:”powered by wordpress”

ProductName + review + site:blogspot.com
ProductName + ratings + site:blogspot.com
ProductName + comparison + site:blogspot.com
ProductName + price comparison + site:blogspot.com

ProductName + intitle:review
ProductName + intitle:ratings
ProductName + intitle:comparison
ProductName + intitle:price comparison
ProductName + intitle:compare
ProductName + intitle:recommended

ProductName + review + site:typepad.com
ProductName + ratings + site:typepad.com
ProductName + comparison + site:typepad.com
ProductName + price comparison + site:typepad.com
ProductName + recommended intext:”powered by typepad”

ProductName + review + site:livejournal.com
ProductName + ratings + site:livejournal.com
ProductName + comparison + site:livejournal.com
ProductName + price comparison + site:livejournal.com

举例:ProductName + review + site:wordpress.com 如下图所示:

所示: 外贸企业如何在谷歌上寻找行业资源4




industryName + site:quora.com
industryName + site:askville.amazon.com
industryName + site:linkedin.com/answers
industryName + site:wiki.answers.com
industryName + site:answers.yahoo.com

[Gaming] + site:gaming.stackexchange.com
[Programmers] + site:programmers.stackexchange.com
[Mathematics] + site:math.stackexchange.com
[Apple] + site:apple.stackexchange.com

[WordPress] + site:wordpress.stackexchange.com
[Android Enthusiasts] + site:android.stackexchange.com
[Web Applications] + site:webapps.stackexchange.com
[Game Development] + site:gamedev.stackexchange.com
[OnStartups] + site:answers.onstartups.com

[Cooking] + site:cooking.stackexchange.com
[Webmasters] + site:webmasters.stackexchange.com
[Electrical Engineering] + site:electronics.stackexchange.com
[Photography] + site:photo.stackexchange.com
[User Experience] + site:ux.stackexchange.com
[Physics] + site:physics.stackexchange.com
[Home Improvement] + site:diy.stackexchange.com

[Personal Finance and Money] + site:money.stackexchange.com
[Skeptics] + site:skeptics.stackexchange.com
[Science Fiction and Fantasy] + site:scifi.stackexchange.com
[Role-playing Games] + site:rpg.stackexchange.com
[Stack Apps] + site:stackapps.com

[Bicycles] + site:bicycles.stackexchange.com
[Jewish Life and Learning] + site:judaism.stackexchange.com
[Graphic Design] + site:graphicdesign.stackexchange.com
[Fitness and Nutrition] + site:fitness.stackexchange.com
[Board and Card Games] + site:boardgames.stackexchange.com
[Homebrew] + site:homebrew.stackexchange.com
[Writers] + site:writers.stackexchange.com
[Project Management] + site:pm.stackexchange.com

[Musical Practice and Performance] + site:music.stackexchange.com
[Parenting] + site:parenting.stackexchange.com
[Travel] + site:travel.stackexchange.com
[Audio-Video Production] + site:avp.stackexchange.com
[Christianity] + site:christianity.stackexchange.com
[Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair] + site:mechanics.stackexchange.com
[Quantitative Finance] + site:quant.stackexchange.com

[Personal Productivity] + site:productivity.stackexchange.com
[Gardening and Landscaping] + site:gardening.stackexchange.com
[Cryptography] + site:crypto.stackexchange.com
[Philosophy] + site:philosophy.stackexchange.com
[Astronomy] + site:astronomy.stackexchange.com

[Literature] + site:literature.stackexchange.com
[Linguistics] + site:linguistics.stackexchange.com
[Movies and TV] + site:movies.stackexchange.com
[History] + site:history.stackexchange.com
[Economics] + site:economics.stackexchange.com
[Mathematica] + site:mathematica.stackexchange.com
[Firearms] + site:firearms.stackexchange.com
[Biology] + site:biology.stackexchange.com
[Healthcare IT] + site:healthcareit.stackexchange.com
[Poker] + site:poker.stackexchange.com




Keyword + intext:”this is a sponsored post”
Keyword + intext:”this was a sponsored post”
Keyword + intext:”this is a paid post”
Keyword + intext:”this was a paid post”
Keyword + intext:”this is a Sponsored review”
Keyword + intext:”this was a Sponsored review”
Keyword + intext:”this is a paid review”
Keyword + intext:”this was a paid review”

举例:Keyword + intext:”this is a sponsored post” 如下图所示:



industryName + site:facebook.com
industryName + site:twitter.com
industryName + site:linkedin.com

比如我想寻找social media 这个行业的Facebook 页面,如下图所示:


Google 博客搜索指令

  • 只查询博客标题下的关键字,指令为:inblogtitle:keyword
  • 只查询博客链接下的关键字,指令为:blogurl:keyword
  • 只查询某个特定的页面,指令为:link:https://www.abc.com
  • 只查询某个作者写的文章,指令为:inpostauthor:”Author Name”



Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blog”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blogger”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest Column”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest article”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + guest post
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + guest author

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for us”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for me”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “become a contributor”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “contribute to this site”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + inurl:category/guest
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + inurl:contributors

Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blog” + inanchor:contact
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blogger” + inanchor:contact
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest Column” + inanchor:contact
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest article” + inanchor:contact
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for us” + inanchor:contact
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for me” + inanchor:contact
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “become a contributor” + inanchor:contact
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “contribute to this site” + inanchor:contact

举例:Keyword + “guest blog”




Keyword + site:wordpress.com
Keyword + site:blogspot.com
Keyword + site:typepad.com
Keyword + site:edublogs.org
Keyword + site:livejournal.com
Keyword + intext:”powered by wordpress”
Keyword + intext:”powered by typepad”

举例子:Keyword + site:wordpress.com,如下图所示:
